Photographer – Jaymi Heimbuch

Jaymi Heimbuch

Jaymi Heimbuch has always had a profound interest in wildlife and the natural world. In her writing career, her continuous goal is to tell stories that engage readers, opening them up to new perspectives or inspiring them to act. She aspires to the same impact with her photography: to create images that trigger an emotional connection with viewers, and which spur us all to be stewards of nature.

Jaymi’s photography has been published in National Geographic Books, Sierra Magazine, Bay Nature Magazine, Wild Planet Photo Magazine, National Wildlife Magazine, Heyday Books, Mother Nature Network and Discovery Communications websites among other outlets. One of her images was turned into a stamp by the United Nations Postal Administration to celebrate the International Day of Happiness. Wild Planet Photo Magazine listed her as “Top 10 Female Nature Photographers to Watch”.

Her environmental, wildlife and companion animal writing has been published in a wide variety of print and online publications, including Huffington Post, Beautiful Beasties, Sierra Club’s Green Life Blog, and a cover feature in BBC Wildlife Magazine.

She is also the author of the award-winning book The Ethiopian Wolf: Hope at the Edge of Extinction, which features the photography of Will Burrard-Lucas and Rebecca Jackrel and highlights the incredible work of The Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme in saving this unique and critically endangered species from extinction.

Jaymi serves on the Board of Directors of the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA), is an Affiliate with the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP), and is also a member of HeARTs Speak.

Learn more about Jaymi’s work on her beautiful website.