Ambassador Program Application

Please review our application process and requirements HERE before applying to the 2023 Ambassador Program. 

Applicant Personal Statements

We recommend that you complete these responses in a separate document so you do not lose your work. Take your time. Please check your work for spelling and grammar errors. When you are done, copy and paste your responses here.

Your submission must be 150-300 words.
Your submission must be 150-300 words.
Your submission must be 150-300 words.
Your submission must be 150-300 words.
This data is used for applying to grants to help our organization continue to provide community services.
This data is used for applying to grants to help our organization continue to provide community services.
Portfolio: Applicants will be required to submit 40 images for review via Google Drive or WeTransfer to YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME IN YOUR FOLDER NAME OR AS A FILE IN YOUR FOLDER. Please send JPEGS that are at least 2,000 pixels on their longest side.
Letter of Recommendation

We require one reference letter from a non-family member (a teacher, coach, community leader, employer, etc). This letter should address about your positive qualities and work ethic. It does not need to address about your photography skills. Letters of recommendation are submitted by the reference using this form (opens in new tab):

Teacher, employer, mentor, etc.

If you are under 18, please have a parent/guardian complete the liability waiver here (opens in new tab):